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break boundaries

Request for Funding

General Guidlines:

  • The Requester must be a group or individual, in Eastern Idaho, with a funding request for a program/project/event that fits the mission of Breaking Boundaries. Preference is given to groups to maximize the impact of Breaking Boundaries' giving.
  • Requests are considered monthly by the Board of Directors of Breaking Boundaries or its designees. Submit the online Request for Funding form before the 15th of the month. Requests not received by the 15th may be deferred until the following month. The Requester must promote and provide recognition to Breaking Boundaries.
  • This form is to request funding of a program/project/event from the Breaking Boundaries “Diversity” Fund. Requests to fund medical care or expenses of those living with HIV/AIDS in Eastern Idaho are considered and funded separately, through the Breaking Boundaries “Care” Fund, and should originate through Case Managers in Public Health District 6 and 7. Call 208.533.3213 to present HIV/AIDS medical care or expense funding requests.

If the total cost of the project/program/event is greater than the amount requested from Breaking Boundaries, submit budget and documentation showing how you plan to accomplish the remainder of your fundraising. Please include amounts and sources of pledges received to date for the project/program/event, and/or other funding sources to which you have applied, together with amounts that have been requested from each. Note that if this Request is funded, Breaking Boundaries expects timely evidence of project/program/event completion, and if the project/program/event is not completed, refund of amounts granted.

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Rev. 1.0 3/01/11

Celebrating Diversity